Extractions and Wisdom Teeth
When a tooth is severly damaged by decay or cannot be treated by a root canal, the dentist will recommend an extraction. An anesthetic will be used to numb the area surrounding the tooth. During the extraction you may hear some noises or feel some pressure but there should be very little pain. An instrument will be used to loosen the tooth and forceps will help to remove the tooth. Your dentist will place a gauze in the site to limit bleeding and should be left there for 30-45 minutes.
After the extraction you will be instructed to eat soft food until the following day. You will want to avoid drinking from a straw or smoking. The dentist will send you home with extra gauze and “home care” instructions.
Wisdom Teeth
Extracting your wisdom teeth (3rd molars) can benefit the overall health of your mouth. The dentist will generally recommend they be extracted if they are partially erupted or impacted. When the wisdom tooth is partially erupted it leaves an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection resulting in pain and swelling. An impacted wisom tooth may continue to grow and damage the adjacent tooth.